Thursday, March 8, 2012

Does Distance Ruin the Relationship?

‘Distance’ is the one-word reason that countless couples have ended their relationships. While being in a long distance relationship can sure be tough, it does not have to take a toll on both of you.
 Here are some tips on how you can surpass the gap!!

Transparency and honesty help a relationship grow and can only happen if there is no playing and manipulation. A man and woman who are together because they want to and not because they have to, share a solid bond.

The most important to build the foundation of a stable relationship is TRUST. There should be a level of commitment between the couple even before considering a long distance relationship. Inherent mutual trust built up over time helps withstand any sort of challenges that come along. An on and  off relationship does not have the surviving power that a stable one does.

This is Difficult, why?

So simple, man is a social animal and is not used to living a solitary life. It is definitely better for a relationship if there is minimal distance. But, if both believed that they can see a future together, it is not impossible to overcome the distance. The hardest is the physical distance because it is frustrating when you want the person you love to be near or to be around you. Of course, you learn to deal with it maturely, but you always miss the person. Needs to accept the situation and should have loyalty, so that together can come up with solutions to work through even in distance. It might even be harder if the couple is not yet married.

 People have differences. Hence, while some can handle the distance situation, some cannot. It is not a question of strength or weakness, and you shouldn't tell off yourself if you find that you are the type of person who cant do it. To minimize or prevent unnecessary pain and heartache you both feel later on.

What supposed to do?

Ask yourself if you see a real future with this person in the first place before jumping into a long distance relationship. Evaluate the benefits of being with him and ask yourself if you are willing to put in the extra effort. Of course, duration of the time apart as well as the situational circumstances is a very an important role in  your both decisions.


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