Monday, February 27, 2012

Still Loving You

I can't stop thinking of you, I always thought that there was this one perfect person for everybody in the world, you know, and when you found that person the rest of the world kind of magically faded away, and, you know, the two of you would just be inside this kind of protective bubble, but there is no bubble, I mean if there is you have to make it.

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. Thats what I hope to give you forever.

There are millions of people in this world, but in the end it all comes down to one. I still panic sometimes, forget to breathe, but I know that theres something beautiful in my imperfections; the beauty that you held up for me to see. The strength that I will never be able to say. Destiny is something we've invented because we cant stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.

And I believe that when you love someone, and you love them with your heart, it never disappears. When you're apart, and when you love someone, and you've done all you can do, you set them free. And if that love was true… when you love someone, it will all come back to you.

You see I never stopped loving you, even though I couldn't see you. I love you. You're my only reason to stay alive… if thats what I am.

Problems That Damage a Family?

The old car has just been washed and waxed. To passersby it looks shiny, almost new. But underneath the surface, destroying rust is eating away the body of the vehicle. It is similar with some families. Although to outward appearances everything looks fine, smiling faces hide fears and pain. Behind closed doors destroying elements are eating away at family peace. Two problems that can this effect are alcoholism and violence.
People around does not condemn the moderate use of alcoholic beverages, even the bible, but it does condemn drunkenness. Alcoholism is more than drunkenness; it is a chronic preoccupation with alcohol drink and a loss of control over their consumption. Alcoholics can be adults. Sadly, they can also be youths.

Misuse of alcohol can destroy family peace. The effects of alcoholism are felt by the entire family. The spouse may become absorbed in efforts to stop the alcoholics drinking or to cope with his unpredictable behavior. She tries concealing the liquor, throwing it away, hiding his money, and appealing to his love for family, for life, even for God- but the alcoholic still drinks. As her efforts to control his drinking meet with repeated failure, she feels frustrated and inadequate. She may begin suffer from fear, anger, guilt, nervousness, anxiety, and lack of self-respect.
Children do not escape the effects of parents alcoholism. Some are physically. Others are molested sexually. They may even blame themselves for a parents alcoholism. Frequently their ability to trust others is shattered by the alcoholics inconsistent behavior. Because they cannot comfortably talk about what is happening at home, the children may learn to suppress their feelings, often with harmful physical consequences. Such children may carry this lack of self confidence or self-respect right into adulthood.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Successful Marriage

              In any dozen wedded couples,” four will jump overboard; maybe six will stay on board without joy or love it’s just because of children, careers, family or probably church; and only two will enjoy a complete marriage.          
              This figure is eye catching and attention seeker…even myself don’t know how to deal with it, or shall I say I can’t really imagine my own marriage life falling into this almost 80% of reality about marriage. I personally believe that marriage is happen were two individual meet, bound by love, have a commitment to be with each other, promises happen to grow old together and with the blessing of the Lord above getting married happen. Bowed each other for better or for worse for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health ‘till death do you part. That’s exactly what marriage is all about for all I know….

               Many couples fall in love, marry and they think that the task is over that's it. they try to feel that everything else will work out automatically. But things are hardly away from the truth. A successful marriage does not come spontaneously or by chance. instead, a happy marriage or the successful marriage involves two people working out small difficulties as well as the big once.
               For me I defined marriage as "the total commitment of the total person for a total way of life." They don't have to marry for convenience, to escape from a bad home situation, or to give a baby a name is not barely enough goal for a successful marriage, for marriage is a union of love involve all areas of life: emotion, physical, intellectual,  and spiritual.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I met my Man Online (Cyberlove)

That was just one afternoon when I come to my myYearbook account, just time pass. I was not looking for a boyfriend, more so a cyber boyfriend. It was that a friend from facebook sent me e mail to join myb then I clicked the link.. I started to chat on November so I was kinda getting bored of it. So I chat, chat, chat even without sense. Then one guy came invite me to add him as friend then gave his yahoo messenger ID then I added him to my friends list. He is from Germany and I'm from Philippines. He is so nice, he's different, I haven't met a guy as cool as him even in real life. What I noticed was he's always being careful when he wants to say something to me, like “can I tell u this? Can I ask u? plz don't get me wrong OK.”

So we became friends. To tell you the truth, I never had a close male friend in real life. I feel I want him to be my close friend. I feel I want to take care of him I'm 5 year older than him, and I called him "my man"  because I want him to be my man forever, hug him and kiss his cheeks as if he's my baby..

We got to know each other more as days pass by. We've find out we have something in common….uhmm…ok, we’re both romantic and loves music. Our chats were always sweet; we admit we even laugh for real in front of our PC. Almost all people here see me as a serious girl, looks like that, but when I'm with my man, I am always silly and very naughty. 

It was one night that he told me he likes me and asked sorry for the very fast feeling he had for me. He said when he sees my profile picture he told himself “ this is the real woman “ and that sound so amazing for me and I admit too when I look at him for the first time we chatted on cam I admire him the way he treated me so sweet and unusual man. So by then I answered him that I liked him too and things so fast for us to be in love with each other. Almost every day my myb accounts receive gifts and messages from him that makes me more in love with him. We chatted almost every day even in a bit time before he goes to work. Skype is a big help, hehehe. He's so charming. I crumbled when I look on his face and lips he is so lovable.

He had made a promise for me, that we will see each other someday. That we will go to have our honeymoon somewhere in Turkey. He really makes me a real woman and brings out the best in me. I'm not a jealous person, never been jealous to anyone just NOW to him. I want him to be mine for life forever. Even in this situation we have right now I'm still hoping and wishing this could come true someday, somehow.

The least thing we hold on is Our Love, that no matter what, we'll remain in each others hearts till end. 

This is my story. Have I not met My Love, my life, my man but this feeling will still be forever….

Friday, February 10, 2012

Make sure your words and actions are in sync

Sometimes words get in the way.
Sometimes they don’t say enough.
Sometimes they get struck in the back of your throat.
But just because your tongue is tied doesn’t mean you’re cut off from each other.
It’s great to say those magical three words, “I love you,” but there are many other ways to let your loved one know how you feel.
You can say an awful lot with a look, a touch, a smile, a frown, a thoughtful gesture, a shrug, a favorite meal, a changed diaper, a silently paid bill, a remembered anniversary, or a bouquet of flowers.
You can also communicate negative thoughts in these silent ways, like leaving your dirty socks on the floor or not calling to say you’ll be home late. Sometimes such thoughtlessness is only carelessness, though even then there’s a unspoken message.
So let your loved know how you feel, what’s in your heart, and what words is on your mind….in and in gestures.
If you’re careful how you choose your words, be just as careful in the gestures that you make. Just because nobody hears the tree falling in your forest of love, the effect of the thud will still be felt.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

FOREVER...Be treasure

I watch the stars in the dark sky…the moonlight envelope me in a sweet embrace that reminds me most of him…I remember the times we shared right in the same spot where I am now…it’s like same things happen all over again..But then I realize it all changed as I feel the piece of paper in my hand…I look at it and instantly I felt a pang of pain rush over me…it only means one thing…things do really change now..Because now…I’m all alone.

It’s still so unbelievable that fate could do such ironic things between two people. I read all over again the letter…a letter from him…a letter from Treize. All of a sudden I wanted to burst out crying for the 10th time whenever I remember his name. it’s like yesterday when I first lay my eyes on him…when I first met him…when I felt true happiness…when I first (and maybe last) loved a guy in my life. Thinking of my life, I sense the tears rolled down in my cheeks. I remember the time when I learned I have to make each day of my life memorable because it might be the last of the few that’s left for me.

 I plotted a breakup with my boyfriend after learning I might die soon. I don’t want him to get hurt. Hurt. I smile bitterly. I don’t want him to know I’m going to die. And certainly I don’t want him to pity me. I would like his reaction I cheated that’s why I’m breaking up with him. That way he wouldn’t be hurt the way he will if he’ll learn I’m dying. I remember, a gesture when I told him were off. He just smiled. (Not bitterly, but as if he’s expecting it.) And then, he hugged and kissed me on the forehead.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to know when you're in Danger

Don’t be fooled by a charming face-even seemingly sweet strangers can turn out to be ruthless criminals. Here are the seven warning signs that could save your life according to the violence expert Gavin Fear.
The statistic and account in this article may have come from the U.S. but violence applies to women in different countries across the globe. Whenever you are in the world, it’s important to know when you’re in danger and learn what to do to avoid becoming victim.
Being Charm and Nice:
          Being charming is an ability that one chooses to use, not a personality trait. Think of it’s as a verb, not an objective. To charm is to compel by allure or attraction. So when someone keeps flashing a big smile or cracks jokes. Think to yourself, this person is trying to charm me as opposed to this person is charming.
Niceness does not equal to goodness; niceness is a decision, a strategy of social interaction. People seeking to control others almost always present the image of being a nice in the beginning.

Many Details:
When people are telling the truth, they don’t feel doubted, so they feel the need to provide additional support in the form of details. When people lie, however, even if what they say sounds credible to you, it doesn’t credible to them, so they keep on talking, offering up all those irrelevant unreliable information.
With this strategy, a man labels a woman in some slightly critical way, hoping she’ll feel compelled to prove him wrong. For instance, he might say, “You’re probably too

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Being the Boss without Being Bossy

Believe it or not, most people learn all they need to know about being the boss by the time they are five. Unfortunately, those basic principles that are written in stone while under the watchful eyes of our mothers, fathers, and teachers are all but lost once we are thrust out into the real world. But these forgotten nuggets are great tips for making it as an adult in the wonderful world of work.
Remember too-tall Tina, who threatened you every day during recess? She might have gotten your lunch money, but she never earned your respect. Think back to the little boy who copied off your paper in study hall. Well, he might have gotten an A in English, but we heard he got busted last year for insider trading. And that little tattletale who told on you for passing notes in class? Well sure, he is a hugely successful judge, but everyone hates him!
You didn’t meet your sales goals, win the accounts, or take the company public alone, did you? On a daily basis, the individuals on your team bring their unique talents to the table and work together to accomplish professional goals. Yes, you guide the staff by making the plan, answering the questions, and settling the disputes. But they are still working, contributing, and creating on behalf of the company and you will not inspire them to do any of it well if you treat them as just cogs in your wheel. It takes a confident manager to step them aside and give credit where credit is due. Nothing will inspire loyalty like a boss who acknowledges that she didn’t do it flying solo.
Along with sharing credit, effective managers need to also share information. If you are busy, it is easier to deliver pieces of only the most time-sensitive information. But you are doing your team a disservice by not sharing the whole picture. When delegating a project, tell your team how it fits into the company’s goals. If your CEO has decided to launch a new identity campaign or new product, then tell your staff about it. If there is a bad review coming out for the restaurant you manage, make sure to tell the wait staff. Information helps your team do a better job in both the short run (day-to-day tasks) and the long run (professional goal-setting). It helps them plan, grow, and think big picture.