Friday, February 10, 2012

Make sure your words and actions are in sync

Sometimes words get in the way.
Sometimes they don’t say enough.
Sometimes they get struck in the back of your throat.
But just because your tongue is tied doesn’t mean you’re cut off from each other.
It’s great to say those magical three words, “I love you,” but there are many other ways to let your loved one know how you feel.
You can say an awful lot with a look, a touch, a smile, a frown, a thoughtful gesture, a shrug, a favorite meal, a changed diaper, a silently paid bill, a remembered anniversary, or a bouquet of flowers.
You can also communicate negative thoughts in these silent ways, like leaving your dirty socks on the floor or not calling to say you’ll be home late. Sometimes such thoughtlessness is only carelessness, though even then there’s a unspoken message.
So let your loved know how you feel, what’s in your heart, and what words is on your mind….in and in gestures.
If you’re careful how you choose your words, be just as careful in the gestures that you make. Just because nobody hears the tree falling in your forest of love, the effect of the thud will still be felt.


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