Thursday, December 29, 2011

Top 10 Health Risks:

How much stress can you handle Scolding? As more and more women march their way into the workforce, becoming masters of multi-tasking and setting impossibly high standards, they consequently set themselves up for major stress. If a day in the office is becoming-literally-a daily grind, then you should learn to relax. The world Health Organization calls job stress “a worldwide epidemic.” If your body is under stress, it behaves as if it’s under attack. Chemical messengers in the bloodstream are released causing physical changes like an increased heart rate. Even worse, stress is said to play a big role in developing diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

2.    Osteoporosis>

Don’t wait until your twilight years to start worrying about this. The Osteoporosis Society in the Philippines says women achieve peak bone mass between 25 to 30, meaning we should be depositing calcium requirements and doing regular weight training exercise.

3.   Endometriosis>
We all know what menstrual cramps feel like. But if your monthly periods are becoming increases painful and you experience pre-menstrual spotting and back pains during your cycle, you may have endometriosis. This is a condition where the uterus lining grows in other areas of body, causing pain, irregular bleeding and infertility. Local expert claim it’s prevalent in 10to 15 percent of women of reproductive age is the major cause of chronic pelvic pain in 33 percent of women.

4.   Heart Disease>
If your heart skips a beat for reasons other than your hot honey, listen up. One out of ten Filipinos aged 15 above suffers from hypertension. Approximately two percent aged 14 and below have high blood pressure. Society of hypertensions, says that in the past heart attack were more likely to strike 40 and 50 something. Today, cardiologists are noticing a growing number of patients in their late 20s and 30s. in the country, out of 100 adults, about 15 to 20 percent suffer from high blood pressure. The Department of Health says nine Filipinos die from cardiovascular disease every hour.

5.   Breast Cancer>
The Philippines Cancer Society says breast cancer is the common type of cancer among women in the Philippines and in the country. However, if detected in its early stages, it can be treated with surgery, radiation and systemic therapy.

6.   Diabetes>
Diabetes is characterized by the body’s failure to produce or properly use insulin, the hormone that converts sugar into energy. Approximately 2.5 million Filipinos are afflicted with the adult onset Type 2 diabetes, where the body fails to use insulin properly.

7.   Domestic Violence>
We’re past the age where we have to fight for our equality but we’re still fighting for our lives. According to KALAKASAN, domestic violence is the leading cause of injury in women age 15 to 45. In the Philippines, six out of ten battered women have lived with domestic abuse for more than five years. The average woman will leave and return to her abuser seven or eight times before making the final break. Also, almost 75 % of women who are murdered by their abusive partner are killed in their attempt to leave the relationship or after they’ve left.

8.   Smoking>

Cigarette smoke contains more than 40 carcinogens. Studies have confirmed that smoking is responsible almost all types of cancer and other weakening disease like diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

9.   Strike>
The older we get, the higher the risk to get stroke. It remains a leading cause of death in the country. The Stroke Society of the Philippines says the incidence of stroke is rising. A major cause of stroke is high blood pressure, which affects a lot of women under 45.

10. AIDS>
It may seem too far-fetched that you could contract this disease but the number doesn’t lie. The AIDS Society of the Philippines reports that women aged 10 to 39 has a higher incidence of HIV/AIDS compared to men. And that the major cause of transmission is through heterosexual contact.

Gorgeous hair, no blow-dryer required

Give your bathroom outlet a breather-because the seasons best locks looks have a carefree, flirtatiously, quality that you can't get from tough styling. Just follow our refreshing simple instructions to score this tress effect.

Sexy sloppy braids

These girlie braids are definitely the way to go on a hot day. Why do they look sexier kitten than schoolgirls? It’s because they’re imperfect-sort of frayed and fluffed up. To weave them into your do, take these tips:

Ø  First, apply a shine-enhancing product to wet or towel dried hair, it will boost the gleam factor and prevent a frizz fest.
Ø  Make sure your hair is totally dry before you start braiding; wet braided hair will take longer to dry and will look thin when you’re done.
Ø  Once hair is dry, create a slightly crooked center part from your forehead to your nape, separating your name into two equal sections.
Ø  Braid each section, starting around ear level. Secure the braids pull out tiny pieces along the sides to make plaits look blown about and a bit unkempt.

The perfect summer ponytail

The ponytail is the world’s best style for a don’t-want-stress-about-your-strands day. And it looks super sexy if you keep it well-groomed in the front and totally undone in the back. To score this hot combo of sleekness and sloppiness:

Ø  Start with an allover sprit zing of a style for a styling gel or spray that texturizes on towel-dried or so dry hair, and then follow with a good scrunching to score that beachy windswept look.
Ø  Next, brush a pea-size dab of pomade through the top and sides of your hair to smooth out those sections.
Ø  Now pull everything back into a high ponytail-the base of the ponytail should be at the back of your crown area.
Ø  Scrunch up the ponytail and separate any thick pieces to get a very sexy, untamed effect. “Having the top and sides slicked back and shiny adds polish, so the back can be totally wild,”
Ø  If your ponytail tends to be limper than you’d like, ask your stylist to snip some long layers all over to encourage volume,

Beach-babe waves

Let your tresses hang ten with a hairstyle that’s rippled with fetching, free-flowing waves. The natural texture and movement of this natural effect gives your name loads of carefree foxiness. To create this look:

Ø  Comb towel-dried hair, and then create a slightly crooked center part using your finger instead of a comb or brush.

Ø  Work a bit of curl-enhancing cream into your palms, then spread it evenly over your hair. If you’re naturally a straight-stranded gal, twist one-inch sections around your finger, then slip your finger out to create curls.
Ø  To boost volume at the roots, periodically tousle them while you’re air-drying, then let the randomly scattered sections stay put until you tousle again about 10 minutes later.
Ø  If your hair is already wavy or curly, you’re halfway there! Instead of trying to brush out kinks and curls straight, avoid a puffed-out hair style and use a protein treatment product to weigh down unruly strands. Your hair will air dry to a sexier main of waves.
Ø  The finishing touch? A flirty flower accessory pinned at one side. Go for a bright color that contrasts with your hair type. The ones we’re crazy about.

Exercise together if you want to become gold-medal lovers…

Most of the time you don’t think about your blood moves throughout your body. The one time you might prize how your body circulation is working during lovemaking. It’s when your blood flows strongly” down there” that arousal mounts in your brain. And that’s true for both men and women.
Not only do couch potatoes get fat, they also live. Your libido depends on having a vigorous physiology. If everything about you is drowsy, then your love life will be a snore, too.

I’m not talking about how much you weigh. The only thing that I concern about is how active you are. If you have a lot of energy, then your sex life won’t suffer. But if you tire out easily, then your sex life won’t be very potent.
Since I’m telling you to get more exercise to improve your love life, I’m also going to suggest that you help motivate each other by exercising together. You may have to start of solely by simply going for nightly walks in the neighborhood. But eventually you’ll be able to do a lot more. You can bike together, play tennis, and go sports and activity, whatever suits you’re fancy. If you’re both doing it, then when one of you feels like being lazy, the other can give a jump start.
At the end of the day, they’ll have adventures to share and a warm glow as well. So while there are times when you should exercise together, it’s also okay if “together” means at the same time, but not in each other’s sight.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Woman; by Nature and her whole Existence

Being a not so perfect wife, although women did their best to be called,’ a “perfect example of a wife material”.  Bear child in their womb for 9 months and being a loving and protective mother. Just being woman in every way and we just want other people especially to the opposite sex that you must LOVE – a Woman’s Whole Existence.
Love is necessary for all human survival, and it seems that females have a great capacity for love- both to give and to receive it. For instance, a woman’s great capacity for love showed when she picks up needle and thread to mend the tears in a shirt. When she prepares a meal, her love mingles with the food. When she rises early for feeding, she does it with love. When she dresses the baby, it represents her love.

A woman’s capacity to love can bring out the very best from a man-so inspiring him that he may lay aside a life of crime. Her love can sparks hope and renewed trust in a man-even making him feel wanted, worthwhile, important, and almost great. When he encountered discouragement and his hopes and dreams have crumbled, she can help him build new ones.
The world needs the gentle, loving, affectionate touch of a woman, and the love within her awaits the right man to tap its fountain of warmth and affection. But women also have a great capacity for love. Not only are they capable of sharing’s a small amount of affection, but they also have a large capacity to absorb live in return.
Often before marriage, when a young man courts a young woman, almost night and day with loving words and tender deeds. But once he has won her as his bride, he often fails to recognize her intense and to feel loved on a day-to-day basis for the rest of her life. Because of her capacity for affection, daily expressions of romantic love are usually known to a woman’s existence.
Sometimes a woman expects her husband to do what she wants done without being asked, because she sees this as an evidence of his greater love for her. She may not always tell him what she really wants. And if he fails to do what she desires, she becomes annoyed.

Everything you need to know about KISSING!

          Did you know that kissing is crucial to our emotional well-being? Think about it: A kiss is the ultimate expression of intimacy. Locking lips is the first step in opening our bodies to each other, bringing about a wave of emotions: tenderness, pleasure, sensitivity, vulnerability, and desire. And the act of kissing is not as innocent and as chaste as you think. The lips are packed with enough erotic undertones to satisfy even Freud. And a kiss (with tongue!) is actually a symbolic re-enactment of sex. So, are ready to be mildly romantic or sexual way queen?

          There are only two essentials in kissing: the lips and the tongue. Focus your energy on these and let the rest your bodies relaxed. Assume the universal smooching position: Slant your head to one side, just enough so your nose is out of the way. Don’t worry about how or when you open your mouth; when your lips touch his, your mouth will instinctively open. Part your lips ever so slightly.

          The best kisses have to start somewhere, and where better than the lips. Kissing is highly individual. Find a style that suits both of you. Plan a kiss-fest on your partner and concentrate on just your lips.  Admittedly, the act of smooching is an act of spit swapping. But it doesn’t have to be as gross as it sounds. A good smooch should definitely be a little moist, but very few people like to be a lot of saliva. So get dry and get wetter as the kiss progresses.

          Remember to breath! We know you’d rather keep kissing than take a break for air, but if you breathe a little now, your kisses will last a lot longer. And beware \of bad breathe! So you don’t feel too conscious about kissing your honey in the morning, keep an apple at the bedside and bite into it before you kiss.

          You’re ready and randy, how do you get your man in the mood? You can usually tell if a kiss is going to happen during the date. If there was flirting and passion, then go for it. There’s nothing wrong with making the first move. Just make sure you don’t scare him away with a very wet smooch. Be gentle; a close-mouthed kiss or a tongue less kiss usually works. It will linger in his mind and have him coming back for more.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Guide to Safety (Tips and Preventing Measures)

Avoid walking along dark alleys or dimly lit spots.

Don’t go asking for trouble. Outsmart robbers by walking in areas frequently by people. As much as possible, go home early and try not to go home alone.

· Be alert.

Trust your instinct and be a little paranoid. If you feel that you’re being followed, change your route or go somewhere else. Take note a landmarks in the area you are passing by and stay away from suspicious looking people who may be lurking around and waiting for a chance to grab you.

· Project confidence.

Try not to look weak. If you’re walking down the street or riding public transportation, show confidence even if you’re scared. Act it out and say to yourself, “I’m strong.” Don’t look down; keep your head up while walking. Keep your back straight (this will also contribute your level of awareness) and walk briskly when alone.

· Always be on guard.

Don’t flash huge amounts of money in public and try not to use your cellphone in public places. Wear your bag over your shoulder and keep it close to you with the opening toward your body.

· Stay obscure.

Dress simply when you’re going out in public. Never wear jewelry or anything that calls too much attention to yourself especially if you’re going to be alo

Monday, December 26, 2011

Parents’ Helpline.

How do I choose a unique baby name that doesn’t sound too strange?
Ø                 From Celebrities to Things in Your House:

Combine two names that you love, names of parents and other significant relatives, or spell some names backward to come up with a unique one. You can name your child after celebrities, cities, street names, landmarks, or even things that you find inside your house. But remember not to overdo it. After all, your child will be the one using it for a lifetime!

Ø  Watch for Possible Jokes

Choose a name that goes with your surname and middle name. It also helps if you know the meaning of your child’s name so it wouldn’t be the topic of jokes. For example, I failed to notice that Paco sounds like pako or nail in Filipino. So, when people heard the name some said, “when he’s little child his name in thumbtacks”.

Ø  Link it With you Baby:

Choose a name that reflects your beliefs, ideals, hopes, and wishes for your child, the circumstances of your pregnancy or conception, or an unforgettable event when you gave birth to your child. But make sure your child won’t have difficulty saying, spelling, or writing his own name.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

What teenagers want to tell their parents?

Time has changed drastically at all angles and levels. From the abstract to the factual activities of human being change is inevitable and it has ruined the moral fiber of Filipino. Students before are entirely different from the students now in so many aspects. Students before cannot argue to their parents; they are dependent to their parents and even their personal choice of anything has the approval of the parents. In this, children can tell their parents anything they want. Here are some points high school students want to tell their parents.

Students nowadays prefer to act by themselves and leave behind their parents, once the feeling of getting adult knocks around. The feeling of acting alone and being independents is an experience of fulfillment and relief without thinking the need for them to cling to their parents for guidance and protection.
Preferences on as many things reflect how a student’s selects color, course to take, food to eat, attire to wear and so many others. However, leaving behind the parents words of wisdom and experiences-laden admonition is against the will of the creator as the only commandments of God with a promise of long life by giving honor to parents in recognition to their roles and responsibility towards their children.
They want to tell their parents advice really works well and it makes them inspired and happy to know that parents do take their share in giving those good moral values and advice for life. The only way to be of great value to God and people is to take heed to the golden rule and to be receptive to the advice of their parents in a rational manner.
They seem to tell everyone that they want to be given freedom to decide for themselves and do what they want to do; they too can live life not just a living. The student life is a signal of acting alone and working alone.
The trouble between parents and children are the setting of standards that is inappropriate and repressive to children but to the parents the standards has been working for a long time and they themselves are the living witness to these standards.
Children are acting sometimes as if the sole authority of calling their own home as their own sending their parents outside as an alien out of their either by a parents and how to be a parent.
The basis of students in choosing a person to love and to be loved is not solely based on their own standard without the intervention or advices from parents as to what kind of boy and girl they wants be with and sleep with. The role of parents is out of the context for children when choosing a boy or a girl they want to love.
The feeling of belonging is a feeling that children treasure most in a family and long for the care and love of their brothers and sisters which is a part of the deteriorating values of our generation.
Children sometimes want parent’s guidance and direction in life and what to follow while growing up. This is the time for parents and children to talk about the future of time to weight things in proper perspective to make life just a living.

Repair any breaks in your relationship before it’s too late

Love should never be associated with the word “hurt” it can hurt so much that it can breaks someone’s heart. Heartbreak isn’t always avoidable. But it just may be repairable.
Sometimes fate deals you a lousy hand. A lover is forced to move away, someone steals your lover’s heart from you, or death cuts your heart in two with his cut down.
Avoidable heartbreaks are the most tragic. You’re already together, but something is trying to pull you apart. It starts with a wound-real or perceived. An apology would cause the wound to heal, but pride and stubbornness or stupidity keeps that apology locked inside. 

That one wound might not make gluing together that many pieces of a shattered mirror worthwhile, a love is not so easily replaced. If there is any chance at making a repair, even if it takes bringing in an outside craftsperson, then that’s what you should do. Otherwise you may spend the rest of your life stepping on those shards of your love scattered all around your life. Each shard is labeled with a “what if” and each is capable of causing endless pain. They can be dulled by the years, swept away by a new love, or used for endless episodes of self-pity.
The solution is to become a fortuneteller-to see into the future and realize that the love needs to be put above all else. Petty emotions have to be put aside to protect the bond between the partners.
When someone suffers a heart attack, it’s obvious that every seconds counts and that the patient needs immediate attention. It’s not as obvious to many people that the same is true for a broken heart. Too often people wait until it is too late to get help to repair their relationship. The moment to seek professional counseling is the second you see that the problem is out of control. Waiting, even days, may make any form of intervention ineffectual.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Is There a Secret of Family Happiness?

The family is the oldest institution on earth, and it plays a vital role in human society throughout history, strong families have helped to make strong societies, the family is the best arrangement for bringing up children to become mature adults.

A happy family is a haven of safety and security. Envision the ideal family for a moment. During their children evening meal, caring parents sit with their children and discuss the events of the day. Children chatter excitedly as they tell their father and mother about what happened at school. The relaxing time spent together refreshes everyone for another day in the world outside.

What is family? Most families consist of father, mother, and children. Grandparents may live in their household as long as they can. For us Filipinos mostly extended families, parents want their children if they get married instead to have a house of their own and separate them usually into the households of their parents or for them to stay together. For them being together makes a happy family.

For me having a happy family is everything to me, when you have a very supportive family. When you know that they’re always by your side in times of troubles when problems and hindrances come you know that they have ears to listen as long as you speak up, shoulder to cry on when you open up, and ready to offer a hand to catch you when you’re fallen’.

Maybe the secret is; just respect for each other’s privacy and give support when a family member need it, make one another feel that whatever happens a family will stick together to have a helping hand for each other and the best for all things LOVE each other, make them feel that you’re proud of having each other as a family member…when you love your family everything’s follow….

How to Be the Girl Guys Fall For

The secret of snagging a man isn’t-perfect. Find out why laid-back girls are getting all the action.You already know that the sheer dress and lace bra will turn most guys’ heads. But it takes more than that to keep a man mesmerized. What really goes through their minds when they’re thinking of asking you out is whether you seem like a chick that will morph into a royal pain in the ass or not.
We’re looking for someone alluringly easygoing, the sort of girl who doesn’t need lots of pampering and fussing over. She should be cool about hanging out with the guys, a girl who loves looking good but feels just a foxy in jeans and a tank top as she does in one of those little black numbers. Find out why low-maintenance ladies capture a guys heart, and learn what it means to be one.

Be approachable:
As soon as a guy shows up at a part of bar, he scopes out the crowd to see which is girl is smiling, laughing, or getting into the music. Reason: the more at ease you appear, the easier we think you are to talk to. But if you’re surrounded by a barricade of friends gossiping in a tight-knit circle, they probably won’t have the guts to go in for the kill. And when they talk to you, have mercy on them. Believe me; they know they’re picking up lines suck. So when they swagger up to you and ask if it hurt when you fell from heaven, you angel you, resist the urge to roll your eyes and snap back “No, but now I think I’m in hell!” C’mon, they’ll improve if you just give them a chance.

Don’t be arrogance case:
They confess-half of what they’re doing when checking you out is getting hints about who you are and what you want in a guy. “If a girl looks hot in a casual way and doesn’t wear a ton make up, that usually means she’s happy with her and won’t be all over men about what they like to wear.” They got turn off-if a girl was caked in makeup like Ana Nicole Smith. Don’t get them wrong-it’s okay to get done up, because we do appreciate it when you go to the trouble of looking hot. But if you get a little stain on your top while you’re doing a shot or eating dinner, don’t swear it. Being relaxed makes you seem touchable. We can’t help but get excited wondering if the natural girl who lets in public will be a natural talent behind closed doors.

Tease like a guy:
                Men appreciate a girl with a sense of humor who enjoys a little playful teasing from the opposite sex. It’s simple: if we can laugh with you, we’re going to want to be with you. It shows you actually like our company, stupid jokes and all, we don’t have to walk on eggshells worrying if we’re going to offend you. So when a guy you like makes fun of your funky toe-nail polish, throw back a flirty insult to show how comfortable you are with yourself, such as telling him to get his fashion tips somewhere other than.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Be sure you’re saying what you really mean

If the person says “I Love you” can’t quite define the shading of those words, then how many interpretations can the person hearing them make?
Suppose your partner is eating a super-sized burger and fries. You make a nasty comment, but you’re not trying to be nasty. You’re trying to say, “I love you and I don’t want you to die from clogged arteries so I have to live the rest of my life without you.” But does your partner the real meaning? Or does your partner just think you’re being nasty?

You could have said, “I love you and I don’t want you to die, so please don’t finish all those fries.” But you didn’t. Maybe you didn’t want to sound trite. After all, it you say “I love you” enough times, it can dilute the strength of those words. Or maybe you were feeling anger as well as love. Anger can be so strong that it overwhelmed love, but while anger will dissolve, the love will always remain. So if the comments you make really are statements of love, even if the person doesn’t realize it…ever.
So how do you say” I love you” when you’re angry? Or hurt? Or sad?
The trick is to first take deep breath, you give yourself time to regain your self-control. Maybe you’ll find a different way of saying what you feel or maybe you’ll decide not to say at all-at least not while you’re angry.

I often realize not to talk bedroom issues in the bedroom. The same applies for other issues that may cause a strong emotional reaction, such as raising the issue of what foods to eat in a restaurant when the person is starving and surrounded by the sights and smells of food. In that situation, allow your partner to order what be or she wants, and then have that talk with them at another time.

Love + Sex: (The Guide of Sizzling Sex)

This is not your average vocabulary lesson; Breeze through our lusty word list to turn up the heat of between the sheets.
Sex- from the part of the brain that can interfere with orgasm to the essential mineral a man depletes with every climax-you may have a greater understanding of the wonders of the human body, as well as the human mind.

Body Confidence – your sex drive and self-esteem work in tandem to bring you sexual satisfaction, according to research.
Clitoral Complex – you know about the G-spot-the area that’s a couple of inches the front of the vagina. Well, French researchers may have found out why touching that spot feels so darn good. A little action there may actually stimulate the root of the clitoris through the vaginal walls. Clitoris is really a “clitoral complex,” not just the small bud you can see. It is also extends along the sides of the vulva, which explains why exterior stimulation can be so arousing.

Double Protection – Using two forms of birth control may make sex twice as good. Women who used a hormonal contraceptives plus condoms reported higher overall sexual satisfaction. They believe that when women are less worried about pregnancy and STI’s, they can relax and enjoy themselves more.
Fantasizing – hot daydreams can help women tune in to a sexual experience, because they help “turn off the part of the brain associated with stress and anxiety.” To plant the idea of fantasizing in his mind, tell your guy you had a wild dream about him. Then play coy. Make him pry it out of you.
Hand job – the big Squeeze: Lube first, and then clasp one hand firmly around his erection at the top of the shaft. Your finger should be nudged up against the corona of the head. Squeeze firmly for a second, then release and repeat. It’ll give him a completely different sensation than the typical sliding-hand techniques.

Inner Thighs, His – the back of the knees and inner thighs are highly sensitive to men. Start licking and kissing behind the knee, slowly advancing north. Switch to the other leg for variety.
Lights On – there’s nothing sexier than a woman who lets her guard down in bed. “He loves when he can see and feel your body, and the biggest turnoff for him is your acting embarrassed.” He doesn’t see the imperfections that you zone in on. All he knows is that he loves your body.
Mirror – place a full length mirror in front of the bed and have him sit facing it on the edge of the bed. Straddle him from behind, wrapping your legs over his and pressing your mound against his butt and your breasts on his back. Now reach around with lubed hand and stroke his erection. You’ll enjoy the unexpected view of his intense orgasm.
Quickie – if a woman ignore outside distractions, they can start to become aroused in just 30seconds. Pounce in him when he least expects it say, when he’s frying eggs or after he steps out of the shower. Pull him into an empty room or a party and cop a feel. Initiate a hot and heavy make out session before work. Quickie reminds you of the early days when you did it anytime you had the opportunity.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The facts on Botox

Short for Botulinum toxin, Botox is the registered name for a natural protein, extracted bacteria and purified. When injected in tiny amounts into facial muscles, it creates a smooth appearance on the skin, making it look younger. It entails a non-surgical procedure that takes minutes, smoothing out lines on the face that have develop over years of smiling, tested and approved by the US FDA.
Injections are localized, depending on where it is needed. Because the injections are placed in specific areas, key facial muscles can be avoided to keep from hanging your facial expressions.
>> What happen during the treatment?

Before Botox

                After consultation based on your needs, your doctor will administer small amounts of botox using a fine needle into specific facial muscles. No anesthetic is needed and discomfort is minimal or its just an ant bite. The treatment takes around 10 minutes, and it takes two to three days for Botox to begin taking effect.  After a full week, the full effects of the treatment apparent. There is no need to recover from illness or rest from the treatment and patients immediately after Botox wears off, muscles slowly return to their original state, and wrinkles and lines of expression eventually return.
                The most common side effects when Botox was used for wrinkle treatment, were limited to the areas of injection, including soreness, mild bruising, headaches and less commonly, heavy eyelids that last up to four weeks, which are treatable. No permanent side effects have been reported from Botox use.

After Botox

                It is used widely for the elimination of forehead wrinkles, frown lines between eyebrows and lines around the eye. Botox can be used to lift droopy eyebrows for a brighter appearance, as well as reduce lines in the neck and chin area, around the mouth and folds between nose and mouth. Botox will not aggravate existing lines once it wears off. 

Fulfill your Partner Sexually

Sex life in marriage is not automatic any more than it is only animal. It is an experimental, explorative adventure which two persons may undertake together over a long period of time. There are adjustments just as there are in all other aspects of marriage.
Healthy sexual satisfaction results from harmony in other areas of marriage. Only as a couple learn the meaning of genuine love, as they practice accepting one another at face value, as they work at the art of appreciating one another, as they learn principles effective communication, as they loosen individual differences and preferences, as they adapt to a workable supportive relationship of mutual respect and trust, can they expect a mutually satisfying sexual experience. Sometimes sexual intercourse refers as “body conversation,” implying that both body and personality come in contact with each other during sexual union.

It takes time to adjust sexually after marriage. This sometimes comes as a shock to many couples who thought they would attain instant harmony. Research shows that he most husbands and wives marry with little specific information concerning the physiology of sex or the emotional factors regarding the opposite sex. It takes time, understanding, patience; study, experimentation, and open discussion before a couple can master the ultimate in a fulfilling sexual relationship.
A common problem in marriage arises when one mate desires sexual relations more frequently than the other. Although men most frequently make this complaint, more recently women, particularly in the over-forty age bracket, are also wishing for more frequent sexual intercourse. Statistic on frequency tend to make us preoccupied with numbers, but studies of committed Christians indicate that coitus three times a week is average during the entire course of marriage.
When the needs of a problem arises in couple’s love life, they tend to eliminate the topic from their conversation in hope that if they don’t mention it, it will go away. For example, some couples never discuss their sex life. In survey I personally conducted of committed Christians, only 43% of the men and 38% of the women felt free to discuss sexual intimacies often with their partners. Then 10%of the males and 25% of the women never or only rarely did so. The most common reason listed by women for avoiding such discussion was that they felt embarrassed.

Men admit that women can do better than them

For once in your life, a man tells you you’re right about certain things. With all the equality talk going around these days, it’s still pretty common, especially when couples sit down and talk, to try and one-up the opposite sex. I thought that was already established that men and women are equal. Give women a hand and they take an arm. Now they actually want to be superior? Let’s leave cooking and sports out of this because men rule those. Here are a couple of things, I have to admit, and women do that we throw in the towel even before the match begins.

Silence means:

When a woman suddenly keeps quiet, be they a significant other, a mother, a sister or even a complete stranger, we lose hands down. When asked if everything’s all right or if we’ve done or said anything offensive or even slightly upsetting, women will reply “Nothing’s wrong, everything’s okay,’ when even a blind man can see that she’s absolutely not okay. Then she’ll follow it with a complete silence-the kind threatens a man’s sense. If this is the game, we lose outright. So one up for you girls, you have just effectively won every non-professional argument in the entire history of man and womankind.
Looking pretty and sexy is something girls definitely do better than men. Although, most men don’t ever exert extra effort tin trying to look attractive. Sure, there are male models that support their stuff and show the opposing, opposite sex that men can be sexy and made up too, but it’s just not the same. Men don’t have sexy walk, unless you thing the drunken mix up is appealing. When a great looking girl enters a crowded room, wave of admiration can be felt throughout the room from men and women alike but when an attractive guy comes in, it’s mostly just the girls who notice.
Women definitely work batter with other people. It’s a fact that people start to observe in college; how women can start working and adjusting with group mates right away, even if they’ve only known each other five minutes. I think it’s our big ego’s that get in the way, or maybe women just know how to adjust better to a given situation whereas men try to change the situation to something more to their liking, or don’t do anything at all. Remember college? Who was the one who didn’t do anything for a topic or for a group project? Usually a guy, right? Fast forward a few years and these women hand joined the workforce-they still work, interact and join better with either sex. It’s a bonus too that women are so much better to look at than guys.