Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Woman; by Nature and her whole Existence

Being a not so perfect wife, although women did their best to be called,’ a “perfect example of a wife material”.  Bear child in their womb for 9 months and being a loving and protective mother. Just being woman in every way and we just want other people especially to the opposite sex that you must LOVE – a Woman’s Whole Existence.
Love is necessary for all human survival, and it seems that females have a great capacity for love- both to give and to receive it. For instance, a woman’s great capacity for love showed when she picks up needle and thread to mend the tears in a shirt. When she prepares a meal, her love mingles with the food. When she rises early for feeding, she does it with love. When she dresses the baby, it represents her love.

A woman’s capacity to love can bring out the very best from a man-so inspiring him that he may lay aside a life of crime. Her love can sparks hope and renewed trust in a man-even making him feel wanted, worthwhile, important, and almost great. When he encountered discouragement and his hopes and dreams have crumbled, she can help him build new ones.
The world needs the gentle, loving, affectionate touch of a woman, and the love within her awaits the right man to tap its fountain of warmth and affection. But women also have a great capacity for love. Not only are they capable of sharing’s a small amount of affection, but they also have a large capacity to absorb live in return.
Often before marriage, when a young man courts a young woman, almost night and day with loving words and tender deeds. But once he has won her as his bride, he often fails to recognize her intense and to feel loved on a day-to-day basis for the rest of her life. Because of her capacity for affection, daily expressions of romantic love are usually known to a woman’s existence.
Sometimes a woman expects her husband to do what she wants done without being asked, because she sees this as an evidence of his greater love for her. She may not always tell him what she really wants. And if he fails to do what she desires, she becomes annoyed.


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