Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Everything you need to know about KISSING!

          Did you know that kissing is crucial to our emotional well-being? Think about it: A kiss is the ultimate expression of intimacy. Locking lips is the first step in opening our bodies to each other, bringing about a wave of emotions: tenderness, pleasure, sensitivity, vulnerability, and desire. And the act of kissing is not as innocent and as chaste as you think. The lips are packed with enough erotic undertones to satisfy even Freud. And a kiss (with tongue!) is actually a symbolic re-enactment of sex. So, are ready to be mildly romantic or sexual way queen?

          There are only two essentials in kissing: the lips and the tongue. Focus your energy on these and let the rest your bodies relaxed. Assume the universal smooching position: Slant your head to one side, just enough so your nose is out of the way. Don’t worry about how or when you open your mouth; when your lips touch his, your mouth will instinctively open. Part your lips ever so slightly.

          The best kisses have to start somewhere, and where better than the lips. Kissing is highly individual. Find a style that suits both of you. Plan a kiss-fest on your partner and concentrate on just your lips.  Admittedly, the act of smooching is an act of spit swapping. But it doesn’t have to be as gross as it sounds. A good smooch should definitely be a little moist, but very few people like to be a lot of saliva. So get dry and get wetter as the kiss progresses.

          Remember to breath! We know you’d rather keep kissing than take a break for air, but if you breathe a little now, your kisses will last a lot longer. And beware \of bad breathe! So you don’t feel too conscious about kissing your honey in the morning, keep an apple at the bedside and bite into it before you kiss.

          You’re ready and randy, how do you get your man in the mood? You can usually tell if a kiss is going to happen during the date. If there was flirting and passion, then go for it. There’s nothing wrong with making the first move. Just make sure you don’t scare him away with a very wet smooch. Be gentle; a close-mouthed kiss or a tongue less kiss usually works. It will linger in his mind and have him coming back for more.


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