Monday, June 25, 2012

Was Ours Then We Lost It (True Love)

Almost 3 yrs ago I let my true love go, not because I didn't love him, but because at the time I thought it was the right thing to do. You may have all heard of my story - (Lessons in true love sometimes means letting go)? Well I still think of him very much and hurt from the lack of his touch and from the songs he would sing to me.
This Man was very much in love with me. Every time we were with each other he would give me his fullest attention and I would give him mine in return. Every time we were apart we would feel that crazy feeling until we would be wrapped up in each other’s arms again. Then the day came that we would say "so-long"... it was not a bad break-up or anything, it was a heartfelt one, meaning that we parted with broken hearts because we were still so much In love with each other He was needed by his children who lived thousands of miles away from me and I have children here where they needed to be at the time because their father was here too, (not living with me). I had no choice but to stay, at least that’s what I thought at the time.
 After Bryan had left I waited for a call or an email, anything that would let me know he was safe, but I never received anything from him for a long time. I started thinking, was it only me hurting as bad as it seemed? I would talk to his friend Nick and ask, "Has he heard from Bryan?", 'yes! And he is doing fine.'
 I was so hurt that he would call Nick and not me because I thought he would be more concerned about me and how I was getting on with my life.
 I kept getting news from Nick about what Bryan was doing but still no word, then I heard that Bryan found himself a lady!
 My heart broke.

 After 6 months I came to terms with it - at least I thought I come to terms that it was over. I had started leaning on my best 'online - male friend, Bob'. We started getting serious about each other after a few months, maybe because at the time we were just two lonely people. In the meantime things were getting really bad at home, my ex was harassing me and I started getting concerned for my Childs mental health, and my own, so I did what I thought at the time was best for us. I moved to another state which gave my twin an advantage and Bob treated me good but seemed always frustrated with me because he is so set in his ways ( which he never showed me online, but not in a bad way, just a snobbish kind of way at times).
 During sometimes Bob is very good to me and I do Love him. After being here a few months Bryan showed up online and we started talking as friends even now deep down I was upset with him but I pretended to be over him.
 These are the childish things all of us do sometimes in life I guess, but a year later we started opening up again. Bryan now lives with another woman and he loves her very much it have even just completed upon a home they bought to live in and his children have given him a lot of grief since his return.
 A few days ago he told me how special I was and told me he was still in love with me and missed me so much. He told me he was always proud to be by my side and told me he thought of me often and that I was beautiful and missed how we would write songs together and sing. He even told me I was the Best woman he has ever been with. And I told him I still loved him too and missed him with all my heart and all my soul but we have a problem now and we both are very caring to people around us. See now we have other partners and we don't have the heart to hurt them because for one I know Bob has been hurt 3 times in his life by women leaving him for another man and I am not sure of Bryan’s girlfriend's past relations but I do see the pain in Bob’s eyes still from his heartbreaks and I won't be the cause of another. So now I have to live once again with this yearning inside me and the need to be with Bryan because I can’t leave Bob without him wanting me to go himself. All I can say is I love Bob very much and I thank him for taking my children and me into his life and sheltering us from the pain I felt when I let Bryan go and for saving me from the mental abuse that my ex was throwing at me and saving my Children’s, also for treating my kids like his own. I do Thank Bob very much so. But I also want to thank Bryan for letting me experience true love because he did a lot for me too and to let the whole world know I still am very much In love with him and no matter how hard I try I will carry him inside my heart till the day I die because I want so bad to be with him but I can't do that to Bob and he surely can't do that to his Lady either. Aching Inside Always, A

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

When your Man turns into Stranger

It’s funny how people fell in love so easily and yet fall out of love in an instant, when you build a dream of being together someday yet things turn into just memory. A memory that won’t forget because you promised it’ll forever. When you want to know the truth, the real reason why and how things turns into gray? Yet no answers can be found. You always thought that long distance affairs can work through internet and it made you easy at first. But later on it’s gone…
Why the casual "hi’s" the chatting till for hours of the night, all had disappeared. What had happen and what you’ve done? You had gone from being a happy person on-line to a depressed person on-line. You’d see his name on your list not lit up, no replies for all your messages and you could be in a great mood and it would suddenly change. You actually got to the point that you couldn’t look at his name, it actually brought you to tears. You had lost the one person that you felt so close to. And it hasn’t stopped there; you know what he looks like in every little detail, you had saved all his pictures for you to see every time his not with you.
It will never get any easier for you, every little thing reminds you of him, you keep telling yourself to get over him, and to go on with your life, but how can you go on, when the one person you want to go on with is gone? When you used to call him your MAN, but now he is totally stranger.

And how can you ever go on, when all you ever wanted to do was to tell him that you loved him more than anything on this earth? You never got the chance to say those three little words, words that many people take for granted. But you now know that those three little words will always be words you will NEVER take for granted again! You doubt that you will ever find happiness again, it was a once in a lifetime chance.
But this is what you mean by "you never know what you have until its gone" he’s gone, and you will forever miss him, you only wish he knew this, you only wish he knew, that you still love him more than ever, and that you always will! You only wish that you could go back in time and change everything to make it better, to make it right! But you know you only living in a dream, it will never happen. But you’re human, you can only wish….
You just wished you know his reasons why he avoided you, why he treated you like this, why words should’ve uttered or even just a message for you to understand WHY? So you can explain, so you could stop thinking and stop crying.
And stop telling yourself “You made the biggest mistakes of falling in love with the stranger...”

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Unfaithful Lover

I feel that this is where your energy should be going – rather than wasting too much of it worrying about how truthful your lover was.
One might look at it this way: you were married. From that point of view you were not in a position to be utterly faithful to your lover because you also had a husband.
Maybe your lover felt that it was perfectly 'fair' in that case to have someone else himself. I don't know.
People justify their actions in strange ways. And I doubt if you will ever reach into his brain and find a complete answer to this.

So, what can you do?
Well, is it going to help to have some sort of contact with this lover and to try to find out what his reasoning was? I doubt it.
You're trying to rebuild your marriage and I'm not sure how your husband would feel if he knew you were in touch with the other man – even if it didn't involve romance or sex.

But what do you need to do to put this behind you?
Well, people often find it helpful to write a letter - pouring out everything they feel – but then not sending it. Sometimes they burn it in the garden.

This signifies the end of the matter.
Another thing you might do is to have a couple of sessions – on your own – with a counsellor at Relate.
If you could talk over why the affair happened and whether or not you were ill-used and what that means, then you might feel more able to put the past behind you.
Personally I think a lot of your feelings are really about guilt that you could have hurt your husband and family.
So maybe you are channeling this guilt into feelings of hurt and disgust at your lover.
But the sad thing is that it takes two to have an affair. You are both adults. It has happened – but it's in the past.
Your future now is with your husband and I feel you must do everything possible to prove to him that you are wholeheartedly devoted to the marriage. Settling old scores with your ex-lover is not likely to help, I fear.
I know you haven't been dumped exactly, but some of the advice in the piece should help you to clear your mind of the past and to move forwards.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Does Distance Ruin the Relationship?

‘Distance’ is the one-word reason that countless couples have ended their relationships. While being in a long distance relationship can sure be tough, it does not have to take a toll on both of you.
 Here are some tips on how you can surpass the gap!!

Transparency and honesty help a relationship grow and can only happen if there is no playing and manipulation. A man and woman who are together because they want to and not because they have to, share a solid bond.

The most important to build the foundation of a stable relationship is TRUST. There should be a level of commitment between the couple even before considering a long distance relationship. Inherent mutual trust built up over time helps withstand any sort of challenges that come along. An on and  off relationship does not have the surviving power that a stable one does.

This is Difficult, why?

So simple, man is a social animal and is not used to living a solitary life. It is definitely better for a relationship if there is minimal distance. But, if both believed that they can see a future together, it is not impossible to overcome the distance. The hardest is the physical distance because it is frustrating when you want the person you love to be near or to be around you. Of course, you learn to deal with it maturely, but you always miss the person. Needs to accept the situation and should have loyalty, so that together can come up with solutions to work through even in distance. It might even be harder if the couple is not yet married.

 People have differences. Hence, while some can handle the distance situation, some cannot. It is not a question of strength or weakness, and you shouldn't tell off yourself if you find that you are the type of person who cant do it. To minimize or prevent unnecessary pain and heartache you both feel later on.

What supposed to do?

Ask yourself if you see a real future with this person in the first place before jumping into a long distance relationship. Evaluate the benefits of being with him and ask yourself if you are willing to put in the extra effort. Of course, duration of the time apart as well as the situational circumstances is a very an important role in  your both decisions.

Monday, March 5, 2012

My Reasons Why I Love You

 1. Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat
 2. Love is, what you mean to me - and you mean everything.
 3.You are my true soul mate, no doubt to that.
 4.You bring out the best in me.
 5. Just a sight of you lifts my up spirits.
 6. You have taught me what it is to love and be loved.
 7. I can be clumsy and foolish when I am with you, yet know that your love for me will never diminish.
 8. Your smile is enough to make a my day seem so bright as sun.
 9. Being in your arms makes me feel like I can never be lost again.
10.We can talk about everything or nothing--it's always okay with you

11. I can feel your love, the way you look,'cause it touches my heart and soul
12. Because of you, no matter what may come tomorrow, today my life is more complete.
13. I just can't imagine being me without you
14.You gave meaning to my existence.
15.You are the only one who can make me smile even in my deepest sorrows.
16.I respect the faith you have in me and love you for it.
17.I get lost in the depth of your mysterious eyes.
18.You always make me feel that you are by my side no matter what
19.The way that you always look for and find the positive in everything
20.I can be myself when I am with you.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Still Loving You

I can't stop thinking of you, I always thought that there was this one perfect person for everybody in the world, you know, and when you found that person the rest of the world kind of magically faded away, and, you know, the two of you would just be inside this kind of protective bubble, but there is no bubble, I mean if there is you have to make it.

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. Thats what I hope to give you forever.

There are millions of people in this world, but in the end it all comes down to one. I still panic sometimes, forget to breathe, but I know that theres something beautiful in my imperfections; the beauty that you held up for me to see. The strength that I will never be able to say. Destiny is something we've invented because we cant stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.

And I believe that when you love someone, and you love them with your heart, it never disappears. When you're apart, and when you love someone, and you've done all you can do, you set them free. And if that love was true… when you love someone, it will all come back to you.

You see I never stopped loving you, even though I couldn't see you. I love you. You're my only reason to stay alive… if thats what I am.

Problems That Damage a Family?

The old car has just been washed and waxed. To passersby it looks shiny, almost new. But underneath the surface, destroying rust is eating away the body of the vehicle. It is similar with some families. Although to outward appearances everything looks fine, smiling faces hide fears and pain. Behind closed doors destroying elements are eating away at family peace. Two problems that can this effect are alcoholism and violence.
People around does not condemn the moderate use of alcoholic beverages, even the bible, but it does condemn drunkenness. Alcoholism is more than drunkenness; it is a chronic preoccupation with alcohol drink and a loss of control over their consumption. Alcoholics can be adults. Sadly, they can also be youths.

Misuse of alcohol can destroy family peace. The effects of alcoholism are felt by the entire family. The spouse may become absorbed in efforts to stop the alcoholics drinking or to cope with his unpredictable behavior. She tries concealing the liquor, throwing it away, hiding his money, and appealing to his love for family, for life, even for God- but the alcoholic still drinks. As her efforts to control his drinking meet with repeated failure, she feels frustrated and inadequate. She may begin suffer from fear, anger, guilt, nervousness, anxiety, and lack of self-respect.
Children do not escape the effects of parents alcoholism. Some are physically. Others are molested sexually. They may even blame themselves for a parents alcoholism. Frequently their ability to trust others is shattered by the alcoholics inconsistent behavior. Because they cannot comfortably talk about what is happening at home, the children may learn to suppress their feelings, often with harmful physical consequences. Such children may carry this lack of self confidence or self-respect right into adulthood.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Successful Marriage

              In any dozen wedded couples,” four will jump overboard; maybe six will stay on board without joy or love it’s just because of children, careers, family or probably church; and only two will enjoy a complete marriage.          
              This figure is eye catching and attention seeker…even myself don’t know how to deal with it, or shall I say I can’t really imagine my own marriage life falling into this almost 80% of reality about marriage. I personally believe that marriage is happen were two individual meet, bound by love, have a commitment to be with each other, promises happen to grow old together and with the blessing of the Lord above getting married happen. Bowed each other for better or for worse for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health ‘till death do you part. That’s exactly what marriage is all about for all I know….

               Many couples fall in love, marry and they think that the task is over that's it. they try to feel that everything else will work out automatically. But things are hardly away from the truth. A successful marriage does not come spontaneously or by chance. instead, a happy marriage or the successful marriage involves two people working out small difficulties as well as the big once.
               For me I defined marriage as "the total commitment of the total person for a total way of life." They don't have to marry for convenience, to escape from a bad home situation, or to give a baby a name is not barely enough goal for a successful marriage, for marriage is a union of love involve all areas of life: emotion, physical, intellectual,  and spiritual.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I met my Man Online (Cyberlove)

That was just one afternoon when I come to my myYearbook account, just time pass. I was not looking for a boyfriend, more so a cyber boyfriend. It was that a friend from facebook sent me e mail to join myb then I clicked the link.. I started to chat on November so I was kinda getting bored of it. So I chat, chat, chat even without sense. Then one guy came invite me to add him as friend then gave his yahoo messenger ID then I added him to my friends list. He is from Germany and I'm from Philippines. He is so nice, he's different, I haven't met a guy as cool as him even in real life. What I noticed was he's always being careful when he wants to say something to me, like “can I tell u this? Can I ask u? plz don't get me wrong OK.”

So we became friends. To tell you the truth, I never had a close male friend in real life. I feel I want him to be my close friend. I feel I want to take care of him I'm 5 year older than him, and I called him "my man"  because I want him to be my man forever, hug him and kiss his cheeks as if he's my baby..

We got to know each other more as days pass by. We've find out we have something in common….uhmm…ok, we’re both romantic and loves music. Our chats were always sweet; we admit we even laugh for real in front of our PC. Almost all people here see me as a serious girl, looks like that, but when I'm with my man, I am always silly and very naughty. 

It was one night that he told me he likes me and asked sorry for the very fast feeling he had for me. He said when he sees my profile picture he told himself “ this is the real woman “ and that sound so amazing for me and I admit too when I look at him for the first time we chatted on cam I admire him the way he treated me so sweet and unusual man. So by then I answered him that I liked him too and things so fast for us to be in love with each other. Almost every day my myb accounts receive gifts and messages from him that makes me more in love with him. We chatted almost every day even in a bit time before he goes to work. Skype is a big help, hehehe. He's so charming. I crumbled when I look on his face and lips he is so lovable.

He had made a promise for me, that we will see each other someday. That we will go to have our honeymoon somewhere in Turkey. He really makes me a real woman and brings out the best in me. I'm not a jealous person, never been jealous to anyone just NOW to him. I want him to be mine for life forever. Even in this situation we have right now I'm still hoping and wishing this could come true someday, somehow.

The least thing we hold on is Our Love, that no matter what, we'll remain in each others hearts till end. 

This is my story. Have I not met My Love, my life, my man but this feeling will still be forever….

Friday, February 10, 2012

Make sure your words and actions are in sync

Sometimes words get in the way.
Sometimes they don’t say enough.
Sometimes they get struck in the back of your throat.
But just because your tongue is tied doesn’t mean you’re cut off from each other.
It’s great to say those magical three words, “I love you,” but there are many other ways to let your loved one know how you feel.
You can say an awful lot with a look, a touch, a smile, a frown, a thoughtful gesture, a shrug, a favorite meal, a changed diaper, a silently paid bill, a remembered anniversary, or a bouquet of flowers.
You can also communicate negative thoughts in these silent ways, like leaving your dirty socks on the floor or not calling to say you’ll be home late. Sometimes such thoughtlessness is only carelessness, though even then there’s a unspoken message.
So let your loved know how you feel, what’s in your heart, and what words is on your mind….in and in gestures.
If you’re careful how you choose your words, be just as careful in the gestures that you make. Just because nobody hears the tree falling in your forest of love, the effect of the thud will still be felt.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

FOREVER...Be treasure

I watch the stars in the dark sky…the moonlight envelope me in a sweet embrace that reminds me most of him…I remember the times we shared right in the same spot where I am now…it’s like same things happen all over again..But then I realize it all changed as I feel the piece of paper in my hand…I look at it and instantly I felt a pang of pain rush over me…it only means one thing…things do really change now..Because now…I’m all alone.

It’s still so unbelievable that fate could do such ironic things between two people. I read all over again the letter…a letter from him…a letter from Treize. All of a sudden I wanted to burst out crying for the 10th time whenever I remember his name. it’s like yesterday when I first lay my eyes on him…when I first met him…when I felt true happiness…when I first (and maybe last) loved a guy in my life. Thinking of my life, I sense the tears rolled down in my cheeks. I remember the time when I learned I have to make each day of my life memorable because it might be the last of the few that’s left for me.

 I plotted a breakup with my boyfriend after learning I might die soon. I don’t want him to get hurt. Hurt. I smile bitterly. I don’t want him to know I’m going to die. And certainly I don’t want him to pity me. I would like his reaction I cheated that’s why I’m breaking up with him. That way he wouldn’t be hurt the way he will if he’ll learn I’m dying. I remember, a gesture when I told him were off. He just smiled. (Not bitterly, but as if he’s expecting it.) And then, he hugged and kissed me on the forehead.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to know when you're in Danger

Don’t be fooled by a charming face-even seemingly sweet strangers can turn out to be ruthless criminals. Here are the seven warning signs that could save your life according to the violence expert Gavin Fear.
The statistic and account in this article may have come from the U.S. but violence applies to women in different countries across the globe. Whenever you are in the world, it’s important to know when you’re in danger and learn what to do to avoid becoming victim.
Being Charm and Nice:
          Being charming is an ability that one chooses to use, not a personality trait. Think of it’s as a verb, not an objective. To charm is to compel by allure or attraction. So when someone keeps flashing a big smile or cracks jokes. Think to yourself, this person is trying to charm me as opposed to this person is charming.
Niceness does not equal to goodness; niceness is a decision, a strategy of social interaction. People seeking to control others almost always present the image of being a nice in the beginning.

Many Details:
When people are telling the truth, they don’t feel doubted, so they feel the need to provide additional support in the form of details. When people lie, however, even if what they say sounds credible to you, it doesn’t credible to them, so they keep on talking, offering up all those irrelevant unreliable information.
With this strategy, a man labels a woman in some slightly critical way, hoping she’ll feel compelled to prove him wrong. For instance, he might say, “You’re probably too

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Being the Boss without Being Bossy

Believe it or not, most people learn all they need to know about being the boss by the time they are five. Unfortunately, those basic principles that are written in stone while under the watchful eyes of our mothers, fathers, and teachers are all but lost once we are thrust out into the real world. But these forgotten nuggets are great tips for making it as an adult in the wonderful world of work.
Remember too-tall Tina, who threatened you every day during recess? She might have gotten your lunch money, but she never earned your respect. Think back to the little boy who copied off your paper in study hall. Well, he might have gotten an A in English, but we heard he got busted last year for insider trading. And that little tattletale who told on you for passing notes in class? Well sure, he is a hugely successful judge, but everyone hates him!
You didn’t meet your sales goals, win the accounts, or take the company public alone, did you? On a daily basis, the individuals on your team bring their unique talents to the table and work together to accomplish professional goals. Yes, you guide the staff by making the plan, answering the questions, and settling the disputes. But they are still working, contributing, and creating on behalf of the company and you will not inspire them to do any of it well if you treat them as just cogs in your wheel. It takes a confident manager to step them aside and give credit where credit is due. Nothing will inspire loyalty like a boss who acknowledges that she didn’t do it flying solo.
Along with sharing credit, effective managers need to also share information. If you are busy, it is easier to deliver pieces of only the most time-sensitive information. But you are doing your team a disservice by not sharing the whole picture. When delegating a project, tell your team how it fits into the company’s goals. If your CEO has decided to launch a new identity campaign or new product, then tell your staff about it. If there is a bad review coming out for the restaurant you manage, make sure to tell the wait staff. Information helps your team do a better job in both the short run (day-to-day tasks) and the long run (professional goal-setting). It helps them plan, grow, and think big picture.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Healthy Party Dig up

Instead of holding your child’s next birthday bash at a fast-food chain, try this nutritious spread at home instead. A nutrition-filled spread guaranteed not to spoil the fun at kiddie’s parties.

In the aged of fast-food, kids are overexposed to burger, French fries, hotdogs, fried chicken, chips, and loads of sweet desserts. It is important for kids to get proper nutrients every day. Offering them healthier alternatives is a great first step to healthy eating habits.
Main Course:
Burgers in fast-food chains usually contain a lot of preservatives and are highly greasy. Instead of bringing your child to a fast-food chain the next time she wants burgers and fries.  Why not prepare them yourself at home? Burgers can be made healthier by using lean parts and by grilling instead of frying them. There more alternatives to beef; you can use minced chicken, tuna, tofu, or veggie meat. Baked potato wedges are healthier substitute to French fries.

Instead of sugar-and-fat-loaded desserts like cookies, ice cream, and candies, serves fresh-fruit skewers or other fried chips, why not start serving baked versions or replacing them with homemade trail mix? Get your kids involved by putting up a snack counter where they can make their own trail mix.

Opt for serving fresh fruit juice. Stick with real fruit juice and water and limit the intake of packed drinks that contain a lot of preservatives and sugar. Remember that the word “drink” (i.e. “orange juice-drink”) on the packaging is not 100% fruit juices are have additives.

Making food for your children ensures you of the ingredients that go into the food that they eat. Children may not be accustomed to these kinds of food, but they will enjoy it once they become familiar to the unique taste and flavor.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Daughter of Santorum Admitted to CHOP due to Trisomy 18 - a Rare Genetic Disorder

Trimony 18 - a rare genetic disorder were Former PA Senator Rick Santorum's daughter suffered and is putting his campaign on hold right now as he has a bigger battle to handle he has planned to spend time with his hospitalized daughter. "Rick and his wife Karen are admitting their daughter Bella to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Saturday evening. 
Santorum had been scheduled to appear on NBC's "Meet the Press" and attend church in Miami. Officials did not cancel Sunday's afternoon events in Sarasota and Punta Gorda.
In October, he missed one of Bella's surgeries to participate in a debate and told the audience that he planned to take an all-night flight home from Las Vegas to be with her. "I look at the simplicity and love she emits," Santorum said in a web video his campaign released after his scheduling drew questions, "and it's clear to me we're the disabled ones."

 His daughter Bella suffers from Trisomy 18 (also known as Edwards Syndrome),a rare genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 18th chromosome. Yesterday, Rick Santorum's daughter (just 3 years old) was admitted to CHOP.
Infants born with Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) may have kidney malformations, structural heart defects at birth, intestines protruding outside the body (omphalocele), esophageal atresia, mental retardation, growth deficiency, feeding difficulties, breathing difficulties, and suffer from many other abnormalities. Many children born with this disease don't survive beyond one year. In fact, many fetuses die before being born. And, when children are born with Trisomy 18, many die due to just one problem popping up and depleting the immune system further. Then more problems compound from there.

Bella Santorum's condition is so deadly that even a common cold can result in death.For the first time in three decades, Mumia Abu Jamal will not be secluded on death row. He has been moved to general population inside the Mahoney facility at the Frackville Prison in Schuylkill County.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Importance of Sports to Children

Sports are the best method of recreation. Everyone plays one or another game in his free time. Sports help us to relieve our burden and set aside our worries. Sports help us to remain fit and in shape throughout life.

When we talk about the importance of sports in the life of a child, it is beyond price. Sports help a child grow in a healthy manner. They build confidence in him. Children learn teamwork as well as competition spirit when they play. Children learn to work and hard to win and in this way they realize the importance of winning. They also learn to follow rules and regulations and discover how to make a good strategy for winning any competition.

Sports help children to grow fast and get strength. Sports person are much tougher than others. Sports create resistance power in children for fighting with germs. Sports help children in their all around development-physical, social, emotional, ethical, and mental aspects. They will gain knowledge of controlling their emotions while playing games. Sometimes their friends are on the opposite side; at these moments children learn the bitter fact that no one is a permanent enemy or friend in this life.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Doe's and Doesn't in marraige life

The couples need to speak, listen, share, sing, get dressed up, write things down, or do whatever else it takes to express the feelings in your hearts. Best known for her plain talk about human sexuality, I encourages setting time aside each week to read and discuss one of the lesson written. Do this together weekly for a full year, and it could make a world of difference in your relationship.
Here is a sampling of the valuable tips and advice you’ll read about:

DO tell your partner how you feel and what your needs are, but choose your words carefully and express them at the right time. Be sure what you are saying is what you want him or her to hear.
DON’T wait until you are blind-sided by sudden crisis, tragedy, or anger to express your feeling.
DO unplug the TV, put away the to-do lists, turn off the computer screen playing in your mind, and find some quiet time alone to be with each other.
DON’T focus on old grudges or make promises you can’t keep. Apologize if you need to or accept your partner’s apology; then move on.
DO close the blinds, lights some candles, listen to your favorite songs, and take time to reconnect if you’ve been apart.
DON’T expect to find an instant soul mate. New love needs time to grow, but when both people work at it, the rewards can be incredible.
DO deviate from routine. Be spontaneous. Plan something unexpected. Boredom is one of the leading killers of intimacy.

DON’T miss any opportunity to touch. No matter how fleeting the moments may be, make every hug count.
ABOVE ALL…..DO keep the conversation flowing…it will strengthen the bonds between you and keep you connected with the one you love.. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Parents’ Helpline.

How do I choose a unique baby name that doesn’t sound too strange?
Ø                 From Celebrities to Things in Your House:

Combine two names that you love, names of parents and other significant relatives, or spell some names backward to come up with a unique one. You can name your child after celebrities, cities, street names, landmarks, or even things that you find inside your house. But remember not to overdo it. After all, your child will be the one using it for a lifetime!

 Watch for Possible Jokes

Choose a name that goes with your surname and middle name. It also helps if you know the meaning of your child’s name so it wouldn’t be the topic of jokes. For example, I failed to notice that Paco sounds like pako or nail in Filipino. So, when people heard the name some said, “when he’s little child his name in thumbtacks”.

Ø     Link it With you Baby:

Choose a name that reflects your beliefs, ideals, hopes, and wishes for your child, the circumstances of your pregnancy or conception, or an unforgettable event when you gave birth to your child. But make sure your child won’t have difficulty saying, spelling, or writing his own name.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Confirms Paula Deen Diagnosed has a Diabetic

The Daily reported last week that Paula Deen would soon be coming clean with her type 2 diabetes diagnosis, and today that's exactly what she did. Today she launched a new diabetes-drug site and hit this morning, opened up to USA Today. And she's been trying to keep it a secret — until now.  Deen "is about to come and confess that she can’t eat her own dishes not anymore because she diagnosed has diabetes." Reported in the National Inquirer the same story , but now the Daily says Deen is poised to come out with the news because she's worked out the deal to be the spokeswoman for a pharmaceutical company" that will see her pushing the Novartis diabetes medication she takes. 

Deen tells USA Today about her decision not to say something sooner: "I felt like I had nothing to offer anybody other than the announcement. I wasn't armed with enough knowledge. I knew when it was time; it would be in God's time."Neither Deen, nor her team, is talking, but sources familiar with the situation confirm the diagnosis rumors for Grub Street. It makes sense: Deen made a mountain of money peddling her butter-soaked food, and now she's poised to make even more dealing with the aftereffects.
Deen's kitchen has a reputation for the fatty, the buttery and the over-the-top pointed out that just a few notorious recipes have included fried stuffing on a stick, ribs casserole and red velvet cake. But will the diagnosis change the way she cooks? Some believe she has a responsibility to model healthier behaviors for her viewers.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What you need to work for making your love the best it can be.

Some days you may push love aside, other times love may push you around. Just make certain in your heart and in your head that you are working in unison when creating your canvas of love.
Since, you “fall” in love; many people treat love as if it were some strange beast over which they have no control. But you have more say over your emotions than you think. Put a sad movie on the VCR and you’ll cry. Dance to your favorite pop tune and your spirits will pick-up. You can have a similar effect on the setting of your love dial.

While love can be overwhelming at times, or so subtle you can’t tell it’s there, that doesn’t absolve you from honing your skills as a lover. The best lovers have the most control, not least.
Even if you’re head over heels in love, you should keep some control, or you risk driving away the person you adore. These are times to go overboard and other times to bank that excess love.
And at the other extreme, it your schedule is crammed twenty-four hours a day, you can’t forget that you have a partner who has needs that must be met. Sure, there are days when you can take out a loan that you promise to pay back with interest, but you can also overextend that type of credit and wind up bankrupt. You don’t need any special skills to be an artist at love. You just need to always aware that you are a lover at heart.

Just like painter mixes colors to come up with various shades. You must do the same because even love can be boring if it becomes too monotone. So some days, even if you’re not feeling overly romantic, turn up the heat. Shout “I love you” across the room. Put a little more oomph into that hug. Not only will your partner appreciate your use of the brighter colors in your palette, but it will probably change your mood as well.

Friday, January 13, 2012

It’s okay to have a few secrets

It’s okay to have a few secrets

There’s nothing wrong with having secrets. Your fantasies may be better left unexplored. Once revealed they may cause jealousy. Locked away they can’t do any harm. But too many secrets may create walls that block the feelings you may you meant to share. The trick is deciding what to reveal and what to keep behind the evil.
Have you given you lover an all-access pass to your past? Or are there areas remain off-limits?

If a revelation will, make you uncomfortable, then your partner may feel the same. Since you don’t want to cause pain, maybe that secret should remain hidden. This is particularly true when it comes to information about former partners. What you did in private with anyone else probably should remain private. Jealousy can be a hard beast to master, but particularly so when it’s being well-fed-by images dragged up from the past.

But if you’re hiding information to maintain control, then your love, too, is being held back. You want your partner to know who is he or she loves. If you keep almost everything about your past and many things about your present, too, off-limits, then you’re asking someone to love only your shadow and not the real you.
The dividing line can be gloomy and deciding what to reveal difficult. Look into your heart to find the answer. Then make sure you follow its directions.

Before you reveal a secret, put yourself in the place of the person to whom you are about to offer it. See if you can feel how they will react. If you think that person will be hurt, then stop those words right in their tracks.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Joran Van Der Sloot Pleads Guilty To Murder

Jordan van der Sloot, Plead guilty this is newswires around the world are abuzz Wednesday in the 2010 slaying of Peruvian Business student Stephany Flores. Dutch native, who is equally known for his longtime association of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway on 2005, now three-judge panel has to decide for his fate.
When Judge Victoria Montoya asked at the start of the trial if he was guilty, In the firm voice van der Sloot answered "yes" The 23-year-old Dutchman said "I want to give a sincere confession, I am truly regretful for what I have done. I feel very bad."

Van der Sloot's defense attorney says his client is also an victim after van der Sloot brief statement,
"I would like to say very sincerely ... my client, Joran van der Sloot, [on] May 30 of 2010 was 21 years old. He was in fact persecuted," Jimenez said. "He was faced against the entire world the last five years ... because of an occurrence he never actually committed and there is no existing evidence. I refer to an American citizen missing in Aruba ... added to the recent death of his father. This is all part of the baggage my client carried with him that morning that affected him in a negative order."

Joran van der Sloot, enters the courtroom for the start of his murder trial at the San Pedro prison in Lima, Peru, on Jan. 6, 2012. He is 24 yrs old, stands trial Friday for the 2010 murder of the 21-year-old Stephany Flores, of Peru, nearly seven years after he became the prime suspect in the unsolved disappearance of an American teenager on holiday in Aruba.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Halle Berry: Engaged to Olivier Martinez!

This will be the third time marital charm for Halle Berry to Olivier Martinez. Lets all hope the best for her.
Reliable sources confirmed  that the beautiful actress is engaged to actor Olivier Martinez, who proposed her on the holidays with an emerald-and-diamond ring from jewelry designed by Gurhan.

According to Berry  she "had given up on being married," an  referring to the star's failed unions with David Justice in 1993 and Eric Benet. "But Olivier makes her feel safe. He's a keeper!And she trusted him.
They started dating last year, Martinez and Berry soon after appearing together in Dark Tide and after the actress separated with Gabriel Aubry, the father of three-year old Nahla. Since the former couple, unfortunately, always had a battle over the custody of their beloved child. 

 Congratulation to Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez, best wishes on your soon to be wedding day!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Blue Ivy Carter

Beyonce has a baby girl Blue Ivy Carter The couple Beyonce and Jay-Z welcomed their first baby girl on Saturday night in New York City, and they named Blue Ivy Carter.

Solange Knowles the new aunt and friends Rihanna, Diddy, Russell Simmons and Gwyneth Paltrow were much excited and they tweeted their best wishes,  famous Rihanna calls the little girl "princess Carter" and Gwyneth Paltrow wrote, "Welcome to the world Blue! We love you already."

Solange tweets "The most beautiful girl in the world," , adding later that "Information that gone through the telephone, always gets delivered wrong," likely a reference to early reports that the baby's name was Ivy Blue, rather than Blue Ivy.

Kourtney Kardashian and Snooki also on the party, they dubbing Queen B a "sexpot" who deserved congrats for her "baby gurl," and the former invoking -- no lie -- Britney Spears.

Jay-Z (real name Shawn Carter) and excited sexy mommy reported that she arranged a private wing in Lenox Hill Hospital for the birth, which according to E! News sources was via scheduled C-section. Beyonce revealed her pregnancy in August onstage at the MTV Video Music Awards.

Congrats to the new mom and dad and you think whats the best name of the princess?

Friday, January 6, 2012

TEN Commandments for Husband and Wives

The Ten Commandments for Wives:
·         Be proud You’re a Woman
“Thou shall honor thy own womanhood that thy days may be long in the house which thy husband provides for thee.”

·         Live on Your Budget
“Thou shall not expect thy husband to give thee as many things as thy father halt given thee after many years of hard work and economies.”

·         Keep a Sense of Humor in Your Marriage
“Thou shall not forget the virtue of good humor, for verily all that a man will be given for a woman’s smile.”

·         Don’t Nag
“Thou shall not nag.”

·         Pamper Your Husband
“Thou shall please thy husband for verily every man loved to be fussed over.”

·         Keep Hubby First!
“Remember that the frank approval of thy husband is worth more to thee than the side long glances of many strangers.”

·         Keep Yourself Attractive
“Thou shall not forget the grace of cleanliness and neat dress.”

·         Keep faith with Your Husband
“Thou shall not permit anyone to assure thee that art having a hard time of it.”

·         Make Your House a Home
“Thou shall keep thy home with all diligence, for out of it cometh the joys of old age.”

·         Trust in the Lord
“Thou shall commit thy ways unto the Lord thy God, and thy children shall rise up and call thee blessed.”

The Ten Commandments for Husbands:
·         Keep Your Priorities Straight
“Thou shall make the building of thy home thy first business.”

·         Meet Your Wife’s Needs
“Thou shall remember that thy wife hath needed more than food, clothing, and shelter.”

·         Don’t take Your Wife for Granted
“Thou shall not take thy wife for granted.”

·         Make your Wife a Partner
“Thou shall not think thy business is none of thy wife’s business.”

·         Don’t Squeeze the Purse
“”Thou shall not deal grudgingly with thy wife.”

·         Leads the Way in Discipline
“Thou shall cooperate with thy wife in establishing family discipline.”

·         Eat it and Love it
“”Thou shall not complain about thy wife’s cooking for it will be as discord in thy household harmony.”

·         Leave Your Gloom at Work
“Thou shall enter into thy house with cheerfulness.”

·         Hang Together
“Thou shall not let anyone criticize thy wife to thy face and get away with it-neither thy mother, nor thy father nor thy brother, nor thy sisters nor any others that are relatives.”

·         Lead the Way Spiritually
“Remember thy home and keep it holy.”

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Females’ posses’ better moneymaking traits than men do

It’s obvious to any woman who has spent more than five minutes talking to a man that the two sexes are not wired the same way. And over the past decade or so, studies have helped psychologist understand exactly why male and female brains process things in such desperate-often opposing-ways. One of the most surprising discoveries undercuts the traditional notions that mean are naturally better at managing money than women are.
Women have the temperature not only to set financial goals but also to achieve them. Here’s how you can harness your inborn tendencies and use them to your cash-accruing advantage:

Beat into Your Caretaking Instinct
When someone’s down for the count with a nasty cold or nursing a broken heart, the person standing at the door with warm chicken soup or cold Chardonnay is like to be a woman. You can trace those loving tendencies to our ancestors: Men were the hunters, women the nurturers. Fast-forward millions of years and today’s women feel just as responsible-for husbands, kids, friends and aging parents. “When it comes to saving, women don’t just think about themselves,” Savings, for many women, often working toward a goal that will benefit loved ones in significant ways.
Ask for Directions
Remember who it was before GPS? You and your guy driving around clearly lost. You’d want to pull into a gas station and ask for help; he’d insist he could rely on his inner compass. Chances are, you deal with finances in much the same way. Research shows that women are aware of their lack of financial knowledge-which may suggest they’re more willing to ask for advice. Women are less likely than men to make poor financial decisions as a result of overconfidence. “Men tend to view asking for help as a sign of weakness. But women view it as a rational thing to do. As a result they gain critical info and often make smarter decisions.

Let your Mediator Head Exist
Women take fewer financial risks than men do, but not because we’re wusses. Both sexes produce the hormones oxytocin in stressful situations, but women produce more of it, which helps us stay soother. “When it comes to the stock market, a man might fear missing out on a hot tip,” There are times a cautious nature can work against you. Single women were more likely than single men to choose conservative asset allocations-CD, money market funds, etc.-for retirement accounts, which means they may not have been makings as much from their savings as they should have been.
Act All Grown Up
It’s exactly a big surprise that women mature easier than men do. As a result, they tend to display better judgment, particularly when it comes to money. This difference, say experts, can help women get off financial footing at an earlier age- and that’s huge advantage, because the simple fact is, the earlier you start to save and invest, the more time your money has to work for you.