Friday, January 6, 2012

TEN Commandments for Husband and Wives

The Ten Commandments for Wives:
·         Be proud You’re a Woman
“Thou shall honor thy own womanhood that thy days may be long in the house which thy husband provides for thee.”

·         Live on Your Budget
“Thou shall not expect thy husband to give thee as many things as thy father halt given thee after many years of hard work and economies.”

·         Keep a Sense of Humor in Your Marriage
“Thou shall not forget the virtue of good humor, for verily all that a man will be given for a woman’s smile.”

·         Don’t Nag
“Thou shall not nag.”

·         Pamper Your Husband
“Thou shall please thy husband for verily every man loved to be fussed over.”

·         Keep Hubby First!
“Remember that the frank approval of thy husband is worth more to thee than the side long glances of many strangers.”

·         Keep Yourself Attractive
“Thou shall not forget the grace of cleanliness and neat dress.”

·         Keep faith with Your Husband
“Thou shall not permit anyone to assure thee that art having a hard time of it.”

·         Make Your House a Home
“Thou shall keep thy home with all diligence, for out of it cometh the joys of old age.”

·         Trust in the Lord
“Thou shall commit thy ways unto the Lord thy God, and thy children shall rise up and call thee blessed.”

The Ten Commandments for Husbands:
·         Keep Your Priorities Straight
“Thou shall make the building of thy home thy first business.”

·         Meet Your Wife’s Needs
“Thou shall remember that thy wife hath needed more than food, clothing, and shelter.”

·         Don’t take Your Wife for Granted
“Thou shall not take thy wife for granted.”

·         Make your Wife a Partner
“Thou shall not think thy business is none of thy wife’s business.”

·         Don’t Squeeze the Purse
“”Thou shall not deal grudgingly with thy wife.”

·         Leads the Way in Discipline
“Thou shall cooperate with thy wife in establishing family discipline.”

·         Eat it and Love it
“”Thou shall not complain about thy wife’s cooking for it will be as discord in thy household harmony.”

·         Leave Your Gloom at Work
“Thou shall enter into thy house with cheerfulness.”

·         Hang Together
“Thou shall not let anyone criticize thy wife to thy face and get away with it-neither thy mother, nor thy father nor thy brother, nor thy sisters nor any others that are relatives.”

·         Lead the Way Spiritually
“Remember thy home and keep it holy.”


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