Thursday, January 5, 2012

Females’ posses’ better moneymaking traits than men do

It’s obvious to any woman who has spent more than five minutes talking to a man that the two sexes are not wired the same way. And over the past decade or so, studies have helped psychologist understand exactly why male and female brains process things in such desperate-often opposing-ways. One of the most surprising discoveries undercuts the traditional notions that mean are naturally better at managing money than women are.
Women have the temperature not only to set financial goals but also to achieve them. Here’s how you can harness your inborn tendencies and use them to your cash-accruing advantage:

Beat into Your Caretaking Instinct
When someone’s down for the count with a nasty cold or nursing a broken heart, the person standing at the door with warm chicken soup or cold Chardonnay is like to be a woman. You can trace those loving tendencies to our ancestors: Men were the hunters, women the nurturers. Fast-forward millions of years and today’s women feel just as responsible-for husbands, kids, friends and aging parents. “When it comes to saving, women don’t just think about themselves,” Savings, for many women, often working toward a goal that will benefit loved ones in significant ways.
Ask for Directions
Remember who it was before GPS? You and your guy driving around clearly lost. You’d want to pull into a gas station and ask for help; he’d insist he could rely on his inner compass. Chances are, you deal with finances in much the same way. Research shows that women are aware of their lack of financial knowledge-which may suggest they’re more willing to ask for advice. Women are less likely than men to make poor financial decisions as a result of overconfidence. “Men tend to view asking for help as a sign of weakness. But women view it as a rational thing to do. As a result they gain critical info and often make smarter decisions.

Let your Mediator Head Exist
Women take fewer financial risks than men do, but not because we’re wusses. Both sexes produce the hormones oxytocin in stressful situations, but women produce more of it, which helps us stay soother. “When it comes to the stock market, a man might fear missing out on a hot tip,” There are times a cautious nature can work against you. Single women were more likely than single men to choose conservative asset allocations-CD, money market funds, etc.-for retirement accounts, which means they may not have been makings as much from their savings as they should have been.
Act All Grown Up
It’s exactly a big surprise that women mature easier than men do. As a result, they tend to display better judgment, particularly when it comes to money. This difference, say experts, can help women get off financial footing at an earlier age- and that’s huge advantage, because the simple fact is, the earlier you start to save and invest, the more time your money has to work for you.  


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