Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to give yourself a break(Paused for a moment and feel your Womanhood)

Women believe we have to do it all, all the time. But taking time out gives you renewed energy and focus.
The world won’t come to a screeching stop the progress of if you relaxed off for a day. Read on to find out why you need to decompress from time to time, and then check out our divine suggestions for doing absolutely nada-your health and happiness depends on.

Women believe we have to do it all, all the time. But taking time out gives you renewed energy and focus. More people are over scheduled today than even before,” We’re overloaded with so many TV channels and Web site- with so much at our disposal, we feel guilty if we want to do things.”

For most women, taking a complete time-out even temporarily in unthinkable-but that’s exactly we desperately need. Because women are encouraged to fill up their lives-and are naturally good at doing many things at once-they may not realize when they’re near the breaking point, “The problem is that it’s easy to forget to take any time to stop and recharged, which is absolutely necessary to rejuvenate your body and soul. “ While the urge to accomplish and achieve is admirable, it’s bound to backfire it you don’t allow yourself the occasional break. As we’ll explain, a little bit of nothing goes a long way, and if you laze a bit every now and then, you’ll fell less stressed instantly, more creative, and happier to boot. Here’s how to embrace the let-to-go mind-set.

The Reasons Women Multitask
Blame it on your fierce female mind. “Women’s brains are hardwiring to do numerous things at once, whereas guys are better at focusing on one thing. Studied have shown that he area of the brain shuttles information from one side to the other is bigger in women that is in men, enabling us to process more info at once. And it’s a skill that gets put to use like never before in these stimulating high-tech times. “Technology not only enables us to work more hours and from more locations, but it also allows us to do many things at once-like read e-mails and listen voice mail while typing a text message into a cell phone, “So we think because it’s possible, it’s preferable-we should do more because we can.”
Why We Deny Ourselves Downtime
As a society we told to keep busy and get ahead, so the idea of doing nothing sees wasteful and selfish. Couple that with fact that this generation is incorrectly perceived as lazy, and it’s easy to feel like if you take time out, someone will scream “Slacker!” The workplace maybe the biggest guilt inducer. In this lagging economy, letting on that you’re not a workaholic can seem like a risky career move. And when they’re finally officially off the clock, many women bring their workaholic ways to their personal lives. “Single women realize they aren’t going to meet the man of their dreams while sitting at home. It starts to seem like if you skip one party, you could miss meeting The One. Women feel like they have to be at every social event or there’s a whether its juicy gossip or a new job connection.


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