Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What Do You Absolutely Love Being a Woman?

The freedom to show their emotions. I believe this is the source of our strength-if we cannot freely express ourselves, we will be forced to take on a facade that ultimately becomes the source of their weakness.

As a woman, they love that they don’t have any society pressure to become president of some hoity-toity corporation, marry a trophy wife and afford a fully furnished home with 2.5 kids and a dog. I love that our gender is still being constantly defined, and how that process of definition is really up to the woman that and make up.

The freedom to show their emotions. I believe this is the source of our strength-if we cannot freely express ourselves, we will be forced to take on a façade that ultimately becomes the source of their weakness.

The challenges of making it in a man’s world. The ability to handle multiple tasks, having less facial hair, and …men, clothes, multiple orgasms stilettos!

That they have PMS to blame for their mood swing an emotional outburst. They love how we have infinitely more fashion options than men and how we have the ability to drive men with just one look.

Having a women’s body-a naked body is a sight to behold, its beautiful! But a man’s body? They’re pretty scary naked!

Having a wider scope of emotions makes them more instinctive. They can do anything I set my mind on yet not be embarrassed or afraid to ask for help if I need it. They love that they can be strong, smart, be playful, have long hair and get away with I. getting away with murder just by smiling.

That they can be one of the boy’s even if they’re completing opposite! They can act like a kid, laugh and cry unabashedly without looking like a fool. And of course, fashion. For being able to use my femininity to get what I want while at the same time being pampered and pursued.

That charm that’s innate in every woman. Its’ like having instant power over men. Beauty and strength bottled into one body-that’s woman. The bond women share-the bond between girlfriends, mothers, and daughters, sister and how men are at our beck and call.

The innate ability to be anything they want to be. The freedom! They can be strong, vulnerable, stoic or emotional. They can wear many masks and don many hats. It’s all part and parcel of being a woman! They have so much power and if used properly it can enable us to achieve so much!

Rudyard Kipling once said. “The female of the species is more deadly than men…” I agree!


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