Sunday, January 1, 2012

Genital Herpes Alert

This incurable STD in on the rise. Here’s how to protect your health:
Genital herpes now affects one in four women and one in five men in the United States. In fact, infection rates have arisen 82% since 1970, according to the Centers for Disease Control and

Condoms are the best way to protect yourself against the virus, which can cause painful, recurring sores in and around your vagina. A recent study found that using condoms regularly can reduce a woman’s risk of getting genital herpes from an infected man by 75%. However, you must skip sex entirely if your partner has an outbreak. Also, forgo oral sex if either one of you has a cold sore-the oral strain of herpes can cause the genital variety as well.

The feeling of wiped out when you get you period:
Your slump may be caused in part by the natural drop in estrogen-at hormone associated with increased feelings of energy-at the end of your cycle. You can help alleviate fatigue by getting adequate sleep, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet.

Another possibility:
If you have heavy periods, you may suffer from energy-sapping anemia due to iron deficiency. Your doc can check for anemia due with a blood test; it’s usually treated with OTC iron supplements.


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